The EZOnlineDocuments' S&P 500 Study is done annually in August and presented as a snapshot.
Each company in the list is visited. This includes their company website, their IR website, and their Annual Report and Proxy Statement (as presented on their IR website - or, if not there, on their company website).
Each company's Annual Report and Proxy Statement are reviewed to determine if they have introductory/summary/review sections to better communicate with investors.
Google's mobile-friendly test is run on the website and IR website to see if they are responsive. In some cases, a site may fail the Google test, but we can clearly see that it is responsive. Those sites are marked as a pass.
Links or use of EDGAR versions of documents are not included in the study since they are specifically listed as not sufficient by the SEC rules and recommendations.
For the Annual Report and Proxy Statement, the type of document is recorded and placed into one of the categories below.
HTML/Tiles/Partial responsive
This is our recommended approach for the industry as the most cost-effective way to support mobile users. (Learn more)
Also, companies who presented a readily available HTML summary or year in review on their IR site would get this higher category to recognize their efforts.
HTML/Full responsive
Full responsive means that every word/table of the entire report was done in a mobile-friendly, responsive method.